Friday, September 2, 2011

Here we go....

Yeah!! its Friday! and tomorrow Our little boy will be 4 weeks old! its been quite a hard 4 weeks...but luckily my husband has been working from home (due to complications after the birth) He has been absolutely unbelievable! :) My oldest Yumi (who is in 4th grade) has been running for student Council...and today was the voting. I have been nervous all day...mostly for her. I wanted to let her know before she left to school, that whether she got chosen or not I was proud of her! :)
So husband Lee picked the kids up from school. I told him before he left to call me asap to let me know how it went.
So...I get this call...and its Yumi. Here's how the conversation went:
Hi! sweetie.. I love you...
Hi...(she puts on a sad voice) mom today was the voting...
Yes, honey I did it go? hold on please. (at this point she covers the handset and I hear her talking to her dad) I'm going to pretend to be sad then I got it!!! ok?!?  ( I hear a muffled ok , from my husband)
Mom? you there?
Yes, I'm sweetie what happened?
Well, they voted today and well don't be sad mommy...I tried my best....and....hahahahha I WON!!!!
Oh! Yumi Well Done!! I am so Proud of you! :)
I'm so Happy mommy!

so there you go...that's how it went! she got it..she filled me in on all her responsibilites. I'm going to be doing alot of driving back and forth...I guess its all worth it though! My 6 year old kept saying congratulations over and over. So, much so that it was starting to annoy her
Well no they are on their way to run some errands..and then home. I have to figure out how to celebrate her win.  I think Pizza, Popcorn and ice cream with brownies  will have to be it. I still can't get around much. And don't want Kenzo exposed to too many people. He is still too little.
As soon, as I get off here I will shuffle my way in the kitchen and attempt to make some brownies. Its been a while since I 've cooked anything...been relying on my hubby for that! Will let you know how it went tomorrow... Bye for now....M